Process Overview
How to take the final logistical steps necessary to share your work at Undergraduate Research Day.
Carefully review the FAQs to your right for guidance.
Upload poster to the Undergraduate Research Day 2025 digital repository.
Arrive at the Stamp Grand Ballroom on April 23 at 1:00 pm to check in and hang your poster.
Enjoy sharing your work!
How can I get my poster printed?
You are responsible for printing your poster and paying for the printing costs.
You can print your poster at the McKeldin Library; please see the section of this website labeled "Specialized Printing/Publishing Services and Costs" for more information.
Another option for poster printing on campus is the Engineering Copy Center.
Off-campus retailers (e.g., FedEx Office) may also offer printing options.
Whether you plan to print your poster on- or off-campus, we recommend printing it well before the event.
What time should I arrive for the event?
You should arrive at the Stamp Grand Ballroom at 1:00 pm.
Do I need to bring push pins?
Push pins will be provided; you do not need to bring your own.
Is there an online collection of Undergraduate Research Day posters? If so, how do I upload my poster, and are there circumstances in which I should not add my poster to the collection?
Copies of posters from Undergraduate Research Day will be shared via the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM), a site managed by the UMD libraries that many researchers at the university use to make their work available online. We will provide upload instructions below.
As a default, we expect Undergraduate Research Day presenters to publish their posters in the repository, but you should be sure to touch base with your research advisor before publishing your poster on the site. If your advisor does not support the poster's publication online, you should not upload it to the repository.
If you or your advisor have questions related to the online repository, please contact OUR.
Should I wear business clothing to Undergraduate Research Day?
You can if you wish, but it is not required.
Can I invite people to come to Undergraduate Research Day?
Yes, we urge you to do so! Please invite your research advisor, other students interested in research, friends, and family members.
I have a condition that would make it difficult to stand for several hours while discussing my project. What should I do?
Please get in touch with OUR at
What should I do with my poster once the event is over?
If you wish to keep your poster, please take it with you. OUR will recycle posters left behind after the event.
Upload instructions will be posted in Spring 2025.